B.EL.Ed 3rd Year full Syllabus 2020-2021

B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus


Paper-XII: Basic Concepts in Education

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content
Unit 1 Philosophical and sociological perspectives: basic assumptions about human nature, knowledge, and learning.

Unit 2 Knowledge: the distinction between ‘body of knowledge’ and the child’s construction of knowledge. Knowledge in the context of curriculum, syllabus, and textbooks; school knowledge and children’s experiential knowledge; universal and local facets of knowledge.

Unit 3 The learner: the child as a learner; the individual child and the age group; home and school; socialization and learning; activity and experience.

Unit 4 The teacher: teaching as a professional activity; teacher and parents; teacher and the curriculum; teacher and society.

Unit 5 General introduction to progressive thought in education: the tradition of Rousseau – Pestalozzi, Montessori, Dewey, and Susan Isaacs. Progressive educational thought in the Indian context: Tagore, Gandhi, Gijubhai, and Krishnamurty. A detailed study of Tagore’s essay ‘My School and Dewey’s essay ‘My Pedagogic Creed’.

Unit 6 Societal context of education: equality, authority, conflict, and change.

Paper-XIII: School Planning, Management

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content
Unit 1 Organisation and management of school education: role of Centre, State, and local bodies; sources of funding.

Unit 2 The school as a system 1: induction, training, and teacher support programs; planning the school curriculum academic, co-curricular and sports; community involvement.

Unit 3 The school as a system II type of school. The management committee and its functions; school administration; staffing pattern; the school budget; annual planning; documentation and information systems; physical infrastructure requirements; selection of materials and equipment for the school and selection of suppliers.

Unit 4 Maintaining standards: physical and psychological needs of children, teaching and non-teaching staff in a school; developing a collaborative perspective. Staff supervision – models and application: evaluation and feedback; establishing accountability.

Unit 5 School Leadership and Management
• Administrative Leadership
• Team Leadership
• Pedagogical Leadership
• Leadership for change


(A) Case study of an “Existing School” or “Planning for a New School”
(i) objectives (ii)vision of the school (iii) Strategic population (it’s needed, whether first or second generation learners, socio-economic background, etc.); achieving targets realistically.
(B) A group project on the status of education in a particular area (collating and interpreting data about school enrolment, retention, availability of facilities, etc.)

Paper-XIV: Logico Mathematics Education

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM: 50 (Internal 10, External 40)
Course Content

Unit 1 Nature of children’s logico-mathematics thinking: theories of Piaget, Bruner, Dienes, and Vygotsky; intuitive mathematics; mental mathematics; cultural differences and specificities.

Unit 2 Language and mathematics: the language of mathematics.

Unit 3 Critical study of some pedagogic considerations with reference to learning theory and practice: readiness; consolidating mental arithmetic; circular reactions (ref. Piaget); zone of proximal development (ref. Vygotsky); organizing and structuring learning tasks; group and individual activity; drill; memorization and algorithmization.

Unit 4 Mathematics in the context of schools: text-books, curricula and classroom practices; nature of mathematics – conceptual and procedural; area (space, measurement, operations, etc.); research on children’s learning in specific areas; errors; feedback; testing and evaluation; the hidden curriculum; mathematics phobia and failure.

Unit 5 Content-specific pedagogy: number, place value, fractions, decimals, the role of readymade kits.

Paper-XV: Pedagogy of Environmental Studies

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:50 (Internal 10, External 40)

Course Content

Unit 1 Concept of Environmental Studies its evolution and significance as a curricular area at primary level; environmental studies and environmental education; its scope-integration related to the physical, social, historical and cultural component.

Unit 2 Basic considerations in developing curriculum in environmental studies, maxims of teaching differences in approaches to the construction and transaction of the curriculum at classes I and II and classes III to V; a review of different sets of curricular materials including textbooks.

Unit 3 Understanding the method of science: process approach in EVS; planning for and organization of teaching-learning activities; unit and lesson planning; the role of inquiry, experiment, discussion, drama, etc; evaluation and testing

(i) Organizing and planning an excursion; learning how to make observations and recording conducting surveys.

(ii) Using equipment and materials: films, reports, documents, newspapers, local maps, atlas, wall charts; map drawing and reading weather charts; making charts, diagrams and models.

(iii) Collection and presentation of specimens: leaves, rocks, stamps, flags, news items, etc.

(iv)Undertaking a project e.g. planting and nurturing of useful trees plants.

Paper-XVI: Liberal Course (Optional II)

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

(Any one of the following papers ) *

The option will be offered as per the availability in respective colleges.

Paper-XVI (A) Liberal Course English – II
MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content
This paper follows an approach-based structure. While introducing students to various ways of looking at a text, an emphasis is also laid on incorporating some significant writing in English, into the syllabus.

COMPONENTS Approaches to texts with which students should be familiar are:

New Criticism: Structuralism, Deconstruction, Formalism

Drama: Any Two
Arthur Miller: All My Sons
Girish Karnad: Tughlaq
Henrik Ibsen: A Doll’s House
Bertolt Brecht: The Good Person of Szechwan (Translated by John Willett)

Novels: Any Two

V.S. Naipaul: A House for Mr. Biswas

J. Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid’s Tale


Shakespeare: Sonnet No. 130: My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun.
John Donne: The Sonne Rising
Blake: London
Shelley: Song to the Men of England
Langston Hughes: I Too Sing America
Stephen Spender: An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
Countee Cullen : Incident: Baltimore
Ted Hughes: The Jaguar
Gieve Patel: On Killing a Tree
A.K. Ramanujan: Of Mothers among other things (in Selected Poems)

Paper-XVI (C) Liberal Course Mathematics- II

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content


Unit 1 Binary operations; commutative and associative operations; identity element and the inverse of an element.

Unit 2 Groups, subgroups, cosets and Lagrange’s theorem, normal subgroups and quotient groups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, and fundamental theorem; permutation group.

Unit 3 Rings, integral domains and fields, subrings, ideals and quotient rings; ring homomorphisms, isomorphisms, and embeddings.

Unit 4 Vector spaces, subspaces; quotient spaces; linear dependence and independence, the basis of dimension; study of R as a vector space Unit 5 Linear transformation; associated matrix, rank, and determinant of a linear transformation; minimal polynomial.


Unit 1 Integration by substitution and by parts; integration of rational, irrational

and trigonometric functions, reduction formulae.

Unit 2 Definite integrals and their properties; integral as the limit of a sum and Riemann’s approach; area under a curve.

Unit 3 Simple differential equations; differential equations of the first order, linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Applications of differential equations to natural and social sciences – Radioactive decay, Newton’s law of cooling, population growth and compound growth.


Unit 1 Measures of central tendency, variability, skewness, and kurtosis.

Unit 2 Correlation and linear regression.

Unit 3 Sampling techniques based on z,t. F and x2 tests.


Unit 1 Approaches to probability; laws of probability, Bayes theorem, and its applications.

Unit 2 Random variables, probability distributions, and mathematical expectation, EMV criterion in business.

Unit 3 Binomial and Poisson distributions.

Unit 4 Continuous random variables and normal distribution.

Paper-XVI (D) Liberal Course Physics – II

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content

Unit 1 Introduction of quantum physics: a review of classical physics and its inadequacies. Particle behavior of light-photoelectric effect, X-rays, Compton effect; wave behavior of matter; de Broglie’s hypothesis, wave function; wave and group velocity, uncertainty principle and applications. Energy levels; Franck-Hertz experiment; correspondence principle.

Unit 2 Quantum mechanics: Schrodinger’s equation in one dimension; time-independent Schrodinger equations transmission through a barrier, particle in a box. A qualitative discussion of the hydrogen-like atom, spin exclusion principle.

Unit 3 Solid state physics: free electron theory of metals, band theory of solids — Block’s theorem, Kronig-Penney model (without derivations); metals, insulators, semiconductors; Fermi energy; intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; solid state devices – p-n junction diodes, solar cell, bipolar junction transistor, uni-polar junction transistor.

Unit 4 Special theory of relativity: Michelson Morley experiment, Einstein’s postulates, Lorentz transformations, time dilation, and length contraction; relativistic addition of velocities, Relativistic mass, mass-energy relation.

Unit 5 Nuclear Physics: nuclear masses and sizes; constituents of the nucleus, binding energy. Radioactive decay, half-life, radioactive series; application-carbon dating; qualitative description of the alpha, beta and gamma decay. Nuclear fission, chain reaction; nuclear fusion; source of energy in stars, elementary particles, and fundamental interactions

Unit 6 The Universe: our galaxy, expansion of the universe-Hubble’s Law; Newtonian cosmology; microwave background radiation (description).


(In experiments 1-3, the theory should be done in conjunction with the lab).

In addition to the usual laboratory examination, the final examination should have a written component that tests the student’s understanding of theory.

A. 1. Study of power supply
2. Study of the transistor and its use as an amplifier.
3. Study of OP. amp. and its simple applications :

B. 4 Project : (About 10-15 laboratory hours duration)

Paper-XVI (E) Liberal Course: Chemistry – II

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content(I)

Unit 1 Elementary idea of Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis concept of acids and bases: the difference between strong and weak acids and bases in terms of equilibrium constants, applications of Arrhenius theory of ionization to weak, mono and polybasic acids; effect of solvent on the strengths of acids and bases-leveling effect of solvent.

Unit 2 Comparative study of elements of zero, s and p block: an elementary idea of general group trends, electronic configuration, atomic radii, inert pair effect, ionization potential, electron-affinity, and electronegativity; a brief knowledge of transition and inner transition elements.

Unit 3 Study of some common useful inorganic compounds. a) Sodium chloride
b) Sodium hydroxide
c) Sodium carbonated
d) Sodium bicarbonate
e) Basic lead carbonate
f) Sodium thiosulphate
g) Copper sulfate
h) Hydrogen peroxide
i) Silver nitrate
j) Red lead
k) Zinc oxide
l) Bleaching power
m) Potassium Permanganate
n) Potash alum
o) Gypsum salt
p) Plaster of Paris

Unit 1 Functional Group: the difference between a functional group and a substituent Preparation, physical and chemical properties of compounds containing :
a) Hao-alkanes and halo-arenes.
b) alcohols and phenols.
c) aliphatic carbonyl compounds.

Unit 2 (a) Synthetic and natural polymers: classification of polymers – natural and synthetic polymers, (general preparation of polymers such as Teflon, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) polystyrene, Nylon 6, 6, terylene, resins).

(b) Brief knowledge of the difference between (i) soaps and
detergents (ii) insecticides and pesticides.

(c) Chemistry in Action: chemicals in medicines – analgesics,
antipyretics, antibiotics, and disinfectants.

Unit 3 Environment and pollution: definition, causes, impact, TLV (Threshold limit value), unit (ppm), synergism and antagonism, various types of pollution (elementary knowledge), environmental segments as atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, etc. special stress on depletion of ozone layer and its effects, photochemical smog, greenhouse effect, Acid rain, and black rain.


Unit 1 Solutions: Types of solution
(a) The solution of solid in liquid – solubility, effect of temperature on solubility.
(b) Solution of gas in liquid – Henry’s law.
(c) The solution of liquid in liquid – (i) miscible liquids, Raoult’s law, ideal solution and non-ideal solution, fractional distillation (ii) partially miscible liquids, critical solution temperatures (iii) immiscible liquids, steam distillation.
(d) Solution on nonvolatile solutes – colligative properties, lowering of vapor pressure, the elevation of boiling point, depression in the freezing point, osmotic pressure and reverse osmosis (only qualitative treatment with no derivations).

Unit 2 Distribution law: partition coefficient definition, limitations, factors affecting the partition coefficient and applications such as solvent extraction.

Unit 3 Thermodynamics; exothermic, endothermic reactions, systems, surroundings, types of systems, states of a system, state functions, process, types of process, reversible and irreversible, extensive and intensive properties, energy, work, heat capacity, first law of thermodynamics, heat of a reaction at constant pressure and constant volume, Hess’s law, Born-Haber Cycle, bond energy, and bond dissociation energy. The heat of neutralization and heat of solution.

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(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

1. Determination of percentage of Na2CO3 in a sample of washing soda.
2. Analysis of a given sample of water for pH, conductance, etc. and determination of its hardness complexometrically.

1. Detection of extra elements (N, S, CI, Br, I) in organic compounds, not more than two such elements may be present in a compound.
2. Detection of functional groups in mono-functional organic compounds (only qualitative treatment).
3. Abnormal constituents of urine (sugar, keto bodies, proteins, etc.)

1. Determination of CST for phenol – water system.
2. Determination of heat of neutralization of HCl/NaOH.
3. To study any simple distribution system and determine the value of the partition coefficient.

Paper-XVI (F) Liberal Course: Biology – II

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content
Unit 1 Structure and Function
1. Plants: Types of tissues (xylem, phloem, stomata) in relation to processes – transpiration, the ascent of sap, photosynthesis (ATP generation), cellular respiration, growth, and development.

2. Animals: Study of digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, hormonal regulation.

Unit 2 Cell Biology and Genetics
1. Interaction of genes: epistasis, co-dominance, polygenic
inheritance, multiple alleles. Linkage, crossing over and genetic maps.
2.Techniques in Cell Biology: microscopy, fractionation, tissue culture, and somatic cell hybridization, DNA technology.
3. Nucleus and Nucleic acids: structure of chromosomes
prokaryotes and eukaryotes DNA replication, protein synthesis, genetic control, gene mutation, and chromosomal aberrations.

Unit 3 Developmental Biology
Development of human embryo.

Unit 4 Environmental Science
1. Biomes, flow of energy: food chains and pyramids.
2. Pollution: Water, air, soil, noise pollution. 3. Biosphere and it’s future: Population explosion, Nuclear winter,
acid rain, the Greenhouse effect.

MM-20 Internal

1. Working out dihybrid ratios with seeds.
2. Epistasis.
3. Experiment on transpiration.
4. Oxygen evolution in photosynthesis.
5. Grow seeds and measure and record growth pattern.
6. Effect of salt concentrations on PBC.
7.Abnormal constituents of urine.

8.Water analysis.

Paper-XVI (G) Liberal Course: History – II

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content
Unit 1 Colonialism and Underdevelopment: The relationship between colonialism and underdevelopment and the variety of ways in which colonial power asserts itself will be discussed.
Unit 2 Education and society: This theme will discuss the history of different forms of pedagogy (in pathshalas, tools, madrasas, schools, etc.) and the structures of formal and informal education in colonial and pre-colonial India.

Unit 3 Language and Identity: The significance of language in the formation and assertion of identities and the link between language and power will be discussed. The conflicts between languages, the histories of their transformations and the processes of their interaction will be touched upon.

Unit 4 Science, Knowledge and Power: The different frameworks of scientific knowledge, the conflicts between forms of indigenous and western knowledge and the link between colonial hegemony and the domination of western science will be discussed with specific reference to medicine and scientific forestry.

Unit 5 Art, Society and Politics: The lectures will trace the shifting forms of art/architectural styles in India and their links with questions of identity and power.

Unit 6 Religion, Politics and Society: The lectures will discuss the history of different forms of patronage of religions; the conflicts between heterodox and orthodox sects; and the relation between religion and politics.

Unit 7 Resistance and Domination: The lectures will discuss a variety of forms of resistance to domination: silent protests/open rebellion, everyday resistance, political movements, cultural/political resistance, passive/active resistance.

Paper-XVI (H) Liberal Course: Political Science – II

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)
Course Content

Introduction: A Reappraisal of the Concerns of Politics.
1. From the institutional and state-centered conception of politics to politics as a study of relations of power in society.
2. The entry of hitherto marginal groups and issues into the political mainstream.
3. The transformation of the global balance of power in the late twentieth century.

Unit 1 Gender
1. The challenge of political theory from the concept of gender.
2. Major issues in feminist politics: women’s access to employment, property and other resources-capitalist development in postcolonial societies and their impact on women-issues relating “body politics” (sexual violence, access to abortion, intrusive and harmful contraceptive method purveyed in the south by multinational companies)- sexism in legal discourse- feminism and the labor movement.

3. The Indian Women’s movement: Central issues, ideological differences within the movement, relationship with other social movements.

Unit 2 Environment and Development
1. The challenge to the dominant development paradigms forms the perspective of the environment: a critique of Post-Enlightenment rationality and instrumental reason (Frankfurt school, Gandhi and postmodernist thought).

2. The debates on appropriate technology, sustainable development, traditional systems/practices of medicine, indigenous systems of management of water, soil, forests.

3. The ecology movement – history and context of the emergence of western movements (e.g. Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, CND) and non-western movements (Chipko, Silent Valley, NBA and other examples from Latin America and South-East Asia).
Relationship of these movements with the State, mainstream political parties and other social movements (e.g. trade unions, women’s and civil rights movements).

4. The contradictions of the dominant international economic order and the agenda of the environment – the use of environmental concerns by the industrialized North as a weapon against the south.

Unit 3 The changing character of socialism
1. The main features of socialist thought up to the 1980s. 2. Characteristics of socialist countries up to the 1980s.
Challenges after the 1980s.

a. the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
b. features of the crisis – response from within socialism
c. impact on post-colonial societies/third world. Unit 4 The changing character of capitalism

1. From laissez-faire to the welfare state
2. Capitalism in the 1980s: Thatcherism and Reaganomics.
3. Transnational companies and their role in post-colonial countries.

Paper-XVI (1) Liberal Course: Geography – II

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content

Unit 1 Human Geography: major paradigms in changing trends.

Unit 2 Resource Geography: definition and classification of resources; land resource and land use classification; water resources – groundwater and surface water; energy resources – conventional (fuelwood, coal, petroleum and hydro) and nonconventional (solar, wind and geothermal); biotic — forest and fisheries.

Unit 3 Agricultural Geography: types of farming; study of the following agricultural types – (a) shifting agriculture, (b) subsistence, (c) commercial, (d) plantation and (e) dairy farming; study of the following crops – (a) wheat, (b) rice, (d) cotton and (d) sugarcane; world agricultural problems.

Unit 4 Industrial Geography: factors affecting industrial location; major industries : (a) mineral-based (petrochemicals and iron and steel), (b) agio based (c) consumer-based (automobiles and electronics); patterns and trends of industrialization.

Unit 5 Population Geography: demographic variables-fertility, mortality, and migration; population growth and demographic transition model; causes and consequences in international migrations; population resource relationship over, under and optimum population. Population policies: types-pronatalist and antinatalist.

Unit 6 Settlement Geography: classification of settlements – rural and urban; rural settlements – factor and types of rural settlements; urban settlements – origin, classification criteria, and world urbanization pattern, city and its region.

Unit 7 Transport Geography: world pattern of rail, road, air, and waterways.

Unit 8 Understanding Maps and Diagrams

(Practical): use of thematic maps (dot, choropleth, and isopleths method); located statistical diagrams (bar diagram, pie chart, and line graphs).

Unit 9 Project Work: a report based on a local study of the geographical characteristics related to any theme mentioned in different units in paper II (Resources, Agriculture, Industrial, and Others).

Paper-XVI (J) Liberal Course: Economics – II

MM:100 (Internal 20, External 80)

Course Content
Unit 1 Problems of economic development: role of capital and technology; nature and causes of economic backwardness; key issues in economic transition – capital formation, unemployment, growth, and income distribution. Colonialism and underdevelopment in the Indian context.
Unit 2 Objectives of planning; the strategy of growth in a mixed economy: the role of the public sector. Assessment of performance under Five Year Plan Trends of Ny & PCY. Mobilization of financial resources for plans.

Unit 3 Resource allocation across sectors; agriculture, industry, services, foreign trade between 1951 and the current Five Year Plan. A critical assessment of the policies and achievements of various sectors.
Unit 4 Demographic indicators of development – quantitative and qualitative dimensions; quality of life Index (performance in education, health, child labor, the participation of women in the workforce, etc.)
Unit 5 Univariate frequency distributions: measures of location and of dispersion. Elementary discussion on bivariate frequency distributions, an association of attributes. Correlation, regression & factor analysis.
Unit 6 Index numbers of agricultural and industrial production (wholesale & consumer prices; meaning and uses). Indices of human development with special reference to education development.
Unit 7 Time series: objectives, components of time series, calculation of trend – linear and non-linear trends.

Paper-XVII: Components of General Classroom Teaching

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

MM:50 (Internal 10, External 40)

Course Content

Unit 1: Teaching as a Complex Activity:

1)Concept of Teaching: meaning, definition, characteristics, forms
2)Phases of Teaching: pre-active, interactive, post active 3)Levels of Teaching: memory, understanding, reflective 4)Basic teaching skills and competencies Strategies and techniques of teaching

Unit II: Aims and objectives in the teaching of Science:
*Aims and objectives of Science teaching at upper primary and secondary level school.
General objectives, specific objectives, specific objectives behavioral changes, educational objectives, and teaching or learning objectives, classification of learning objective; cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
Writing objectives in behavioral terms in the content area of Science (such as thermodynamics, heat, electricity, magnetism, light, acid, base, salts, chemical change, state of matter, etc.)
Unit 2: Planning for Classroom Teaching
Meaning and need for lesson planning, characteristics of the good lesson plan, types of the lesson plan, approaches in lesson planning: Herbart, Morrison, Dewy & Kilpatrick and RCEM. Design of lesson plan in the content area of Science (such as waves, matter, light, forces, chemical changes, acid, base, common salts, energy, work, etc.)

Unit V: Planning for Classroom Teaching
1)Meaning, nature, and significance of lesson planning.
2)Different approaches to lesson planning for the teaching of commerce.
3)Preparation of lesson plans for different types of content of commerce: Accountancy, business studies, etc.

Unit V: Teaching Models and Strategies:
1)Meaning and definition of teaching models, fundamental elements of teaching models, types of teaching models; behavior modification and constructivist. Microteaching simulated teaching, team teaching

Teaching as a Profession:

1)Nature and characteristics of a profession

2)Teaching as a profession: concept and controversies

3)Expectations as responsibilities and of a teacher

4)Role of teacher in teaching-learning situations.

(a) the transmitter of knowledge, (b) facilitator, (c) negotiator, (a) co-learner
5)Professional ethics and code of conduct for teachers in formal schools
6)Teacher accountability
B: Practical Activities Third Year: (MM-250)

A: To develop of Teaching Skills (through teaching Of 10 Micro lessons) (MM-25)
B: a 4-week internship in primary and elementary schools (MM-150)
• Observation of School Activities and Preparation of Report
• Observation of 10 Teaching classes and Preparation of Report
• Preparation of lesson plans and teaching of 20 lesson plans in primary and elementary schools ( 10 in each )
C: Documents and text analysis (MM-25)
• study of documents related to educational policy and planning and preparation of the report
• analysis of textbooks of primary and elementary education
D: Preparation and use of teaching aids and learning material (MM-50)

(B.El.Ed. Third Year Syllabus)

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